Chapter 40: Young Madam Becomes a Hostage_1

The young girl was shaking in fear, her face full of terror, "There... there are so many guns, so many people... Death, how are we going to manage this? They are going to search this place soon... I don't want to die..."

A shudder ran through Ming Mei's heart. They had encountered armed attackers.

They were done for...

The attackers would undoubtedly take the people in the mall as hostages, no one knew how many would survive this.

Ming Mei also started to panic, she never thought that she would encounter such a situation the first time she stepped out.

The young girl's makeup was smeared due to her crying, gripping Ming Mei's arm as if it was her last lifeline, "What... what do we do? I am so scared... I want my parents... I want to get out..."

Her crying irked Ming Mei, everyone wanted to get out.

But that was impossible, those armed attackers would have controlled all entrance and exit points of the mall, waiting to search each floor and herd all the hostages together.