Chapter 53. Do I still have a chance to pursue you? _1

Ming Mei's heart tightened as she turned a cold gaze towards the maid.

The maid, evidently driven almost mad with torment, looked at Ming Mei with wild, hate-filled eyes, shouting, "It was her, it was indeed her... You said that if I spilled it out you would spare me..."

"I've told you, I've said it... Why are you treating me like this..."

Number 2's gaunt, pallid fingers brushed over his scarlet lips, saying, "I promised you, I would spare your life."

Indeed, he did promise to spare her life, but he didn't say he wouldn't do anything else.

Anger flooded Ming Mei's heart — this idiot, she actually betrayed her.

Was she sympathetic?

No, certainly not.

Though she still upheld some righteous values not eroded by life, as for a person who betrayed her... She wished she could kill the maid, with no time to pity her for the rape she endured.

But what gave Ming Mei the slightest sense of relief was that this idiot hadn't exposed her link with the Kang family yet.