Chapter 61: I've Never Seen a Woman As Stupid As You_1

Ming Mei instinctively turned around to look for Kang Chen, not even caring whether she had hit Number 2 or not.

As the name 'Kang Chen' flashed across her mind, it was quickly followed by a feeling of profound joy.

She didn't know why, but she had no doubt that Kang Chen would rescue her.

Even though she and Kang Chen had a strained relationship, she completely trusted him.

Ming Mei could hear the sound of countless bullets whizzing through the air, the sound of people getting hit, screams, and the sounds of running, all of it assaulting her eardrums.

She also heard someone shouting, "Don't run, lie on the ground and don't move. The more you run, the faster you'll die ..."

"Don't run, get down, get down ..."

The entire hall was in chaos, terrified hostages were running in all directions, some of them falling as they ran ...