Chapter 76: Will You Die Without a Man? _1

As soon as Ming Mei opened her eyes, she saw Kang Chen's icy face up close and personal.

And with each breath, the male scent that made her body stir quickly with desire.

But luckily, since she wasn't in her bout, even though Ming Mei was weak, her body showed signs of arousal, but it was within a tolerable range and she was fairly logical.

Ming Mei wanted to leave as soon as possible, but Kang Chen's words were grating to her ears.

Ming Mei did not get up, instead she rested in his arms. She hooked up a corner of her lips, grinning with a seductive coy, as her slender fingers traced Kang Chen's neck.

With a coquettish laugh, Ming Mei said: "Yes, everyone knows I like you. Naturally, I won't pass up any opportunity to throw myself into your arms or share your bed."

Ming Mei's blunt remarks enraged Kang Chen; with a swift tug, he pulled away from her angrily, "You really don't know what shame is!"