Chapter 118: My Queen, Please Accept My Kneeling_1

Hearing this, Huo Er shivered intensely, could the Young Madam please not make such shocking remarks?

Huo Er wiped sweat from his forehead, wondering how he would report this to Mr. Chen.

Huo Er stood and watched for a while, but he did not have the courage to look on any longer.

Quickly, he returned to the private room, leaning down to whisper into Kang Chen's ear: "Mr. Chen... downstairs, it's indeed the Young Madam, she is…"

Before he could finish his sentence, he felt all his hair and eyebrows stand up. The enormous pressure made him dare not look at Kang Chen's expression, let alone finish his sentence.

With a crisp 'pop', the wine glass in Kang Chen's hand shattered instantly. Yet, there wasn't a single scratch on his hand, not even a drop of wine splashed on him; all the tiny beads of liquid fell on the carpet beneath his feet.