Chapter 122: Are You Going to Hook Up? _1

Today, Kang Chen has willingly presented himself to Ming Mei. If she didn't take the chance, it would be just as wasteful as spoiling food, and that's a surefire way to bring about divine retribution.

Ming Mei mocked: "You tell me come, then stay, then leave. Are you amusing yourself, Kang Chen? Are you my father or my mother? Why on earth would I listen to my ex-husband?"

Kang Chen was so furious he could snort fire. Hearing 'ex-husband' from Ming Mei's mouth was exceptionally grating.

Without turning around, he spoke sharply: "If you don't leave, I'll order someone to lock you up right now."

Seeing Kang Chen's back facing her allowed Ming Mei to hastily fetch a prepared bottle of medicine from her bag and quickly spray it numerous times in the air.