Chapter 125: Kang Chen, you're not still a virgin, are you?_1

Ming Mei's hand was cool, against Kang Chen's skin that burned with heat. The moment her hand touched his skin, Kang Chen felt as though something inside him shattered.

Yet, oblivious Ming Mei said with a nasal voice, "Hmmm...don't you agree? Your body is so honest, you love to speak one way and act another. Every time I see you like this, I just want to... topple you... aggressively..."

Ming Mei's voice was gentle and soft, with a trembling breath, lust growing alarmingly fast at each word.

Kang Chen was seduced, his rationality and self-control being slowly lured away by her tantalizing voice.

His strength was quickly disappearing. Though he could easily overpower the woman clinging to him, he found himself helpless...

Or maybe he had no intention of resisting at all, and maybe he was even looking forward to what was about to happen.