Chapter 137: You Dare to See Me Without Bringing the Person Back? _1

Huo Er hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, I'll send someone right away... No no, I'll go myself, right now..."

After finishing his words, Huo Er ran out as if he was running for his life, not daring to stay in the lounge for another second.

However, half an hour later, Huo Er returned, empty-handed.

Seeing Kang Chen, Huo Er almost died of fright, wondering if he would be severely punished for failing to carry out his master's task. Would his death be tragic?

After swallowing several times, Huo Er nervously said, "Mr. Chen, Young... Young Madam is not there. The security guard said that Young Madam left with her friend. So, I couldn't... I couldn't bring her back."

Kang Chen slowly raised his head, his deep, dark eyes that resembled the black hole of the universe stared at Huo Er as if saying: "You dare to show your face here after failing to bring her back?"

Huo Er clamped his legs together, feeling as if his whole body had turned into popsicles.