Chapter 141: Young Madam, Are You Here to Save Us?_1

The hoary-haired old lord soon arrived before Kang Chen with his fourth wife, a look of surprise spanning his face: "I hadn't expected Mr. Chen to grace us with his presence, you've truly lit up our humble abode. Thank you, thank you..."

Kang Chen had little patience for this kind of formalities; he responded coolly, "You flatter me, old lord."

The old lord was well aware of Kang Chen's dismissive attitude and laughingly said, "I'll have my son keep you company; you youngsters can chat."

Not seeing his younger son, the old Lord called upon a servant, "Where's Manfeisi?"

"Old lord, young master Manfeisi has gone to meet his lady companion."

"One moment, wait one moment..."

Kang Chen grew impatient: "I'm fine, Old Lord, you need not trouble yourself with me."

The old lord hurriedly replied, "As you wish... pardon my rudeness."

He left with his fourth wife at his side, continuing to greet the guests.