Chapter 145: Ex-husband, Are We Meeting Tonight?_1

Kang Chen's hand was pressed tightly against Ming Mei's lower back, their skin against skin. Ming Mei felt as if his hand was ready to melt her waist.

Perhaps her body still remembered the feeling Kang Chen gave her. Every time he touched her, she felt this tingling sensation.

Ming Mei shuffled uneasily, and Kang Chen instantly gripped her more tightly.

Seeing Ming Mei daydreaming without uttering a word, Kang Chen's anger flared. Through gritted teeth, he said, "Speak."

Ming Mei finally lifted her head, shot him a glance, examined his face closely, and disdainfully said, "Hey, what's with the 'catching a cheater in bed' look?"

"Putting aside the fact that Eaton and I haven't shared a bed before, even if we had, what business is it of yours? I've never seen an ex-husband who interferes with his ex-wife's second spring. Why are you so bothered by it like a hypocritical cat mourning the death of a mouse?"