Chapter 154: Kang Chen, You Are a Hooligan_1

The two argued obliviously at the foot of Eaton house's villa, nothing like a pair who were almost caught committing adultery.

It wasn't until Kang Chen heard footsteps that he quickly grabbed Ming Mei and pulled her into a blind corner to hide.

Ming Mei suddenly felt a chill in her chest as they ducked away.

She then remembered that her bra seemed to be left in the room.

A feeling of dread quickly filled Ming Mei.

"Oh no," she worried, "if Eaton sees this, he will definitely know."

Ming Mei smacked Kang Chen in the chest, "All your fault, you lecher! You were acting rash and now my invisible bra is left in the room. They will surely find it."

Upon hearing this, Kang Chen became even more irritated. Was she that worried about being discovered by Eaton?

Or, has she already decided to hook up with Eaton?