Chapter 162: Mr. Chen's Rogue Mode Upgrades_1

Kang Chen tightened his grip unconsciously on Ming Mei's ankle, feeling his ears begin to flush.

This tit-for-tat strategy was somewhat effective.

But Kang Chen felt like he hadn't quite got the hang of it yet and needed to practice more.

Yes, more practice. So Kang Chen asked, "So, what am I supposed to say again?"

Ming Mei's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. She suddenly flung herself at him, grabbing his face, kneading it vigorously, "What the fuck, Who are you? Where did you hide Kang Chen? You absolutely can't be him."

Kang Chen...

Ming Mei treated Kang Chen's face like a piece of dough, kneading it furiously, as if she could peel off a layer of skin, like he had a human skin mask on.

Kang Chen's face hurt from the kneading. More importantly, she was rubbing against him while wearing so little. Was she not trying to tempt him?

Indeed, this shameless girl should not be given any opportunity, or she would take every advantage.