Chapter 170: Seeing You is Seeing Beauty_1

Ming Mei gasped heavily, clutching her chest. She quickly looked to her sides, hoping to find signs of someone's presence.

The light in the room was on, and with one glance, one could see the entirety of the bare prison cell.

The cell was devoid of windows, only featuring a door made from special material that could not even be penetrated by a rocket launcher. Without the key from the guard, no one could gain entrance.

The room was tranquil, only the sound of Ming Mei's panting occupied the silence.

She suddenly grew afraid because the voice seemed very real, as if someone had spoken to her face to face.

Yes, in the past.

The sentence stirred a strange familiarity in Ming Mei's heart.

The familiarity was faint, but she could capture it clearly.

However, Ming Mei had scoured her memories and swore she had never heard that statement before...

Shen Nie, Shen Nie...

Upon her first sight of him, she experienced an indescribable sense of familiarity...