Chapter 175: Ming Mei is not so important in his heart_1

Eaton had been waiting in the reception room for over 30 minutes before he saw Kang Chen arrive.

Eaton disliked Kang Chen, just as Kang Chen equally despised him.

Kang Chen came in with a few guards, and Huo Er moved forward to pull out a chair for Kang Chen to sit.

Kang Chen removed his hat, and another guard promptly took it from him.

Kang Chen gestured with his finger for Eaton to sit down.

He lazily looked at Eaton's face, the words of Fu Dongliu surfacing in his mind.

Kang Chen scornfully curled his lip. How could he not see what was so attractive about Eaton? Those women must have been blind.

Kang Chen lifted his eyelid: "You have five minutes."

This deliberate neglect, even contempt from Kang Chen did not stir excessive anger in Eaton. He nodded: "In that case, I'll get straight to the point. I'm here for Ming Mei. She's just an ordinary girl, she has nothing to do with N2. I hope Mr. Chen can release her, she's innocent."