Chapter 205: Mr. Chen's Real First Time_1

Kang Chen was so absent-minded he almost stumbled over. He turned around and sharply scolded Ming Mei, "Go back."

Ming Mei laughed heartily, blew him a kiss, picked up her skirt and ran back.


Once in the car, Huo Er reported to Kang Chen, "Mr. Chen, I've informed them to delay the meeting until 9:30, is that okay with you?"

"Mmm." Kang Chen's gaze turned to the window. He responded absently, not really caring.

Huo Er bowed his head, daring not to speak anymore.

Kang Chen's face was heavy, his heart filled with confusion.

That step he took last night, in his heart, was his very first in the true sense of the word.

Because it was an affair initiated by him.

But he was divorced from Ming Mei.

In the future, how should he interact with Ming Mei?

And what exactly is their relationship now?

Huo Er noticed the odd atmosphere, glanced at Kang Chen, and was startled to see the complex, tangled and hesitant expression on his face - a look he had never seen before on Kang Chen.