Chapter 210: Only by Forgetting Can I Stay Sane_1

Bose City has been the capital of UC, with whom they have been having border disputes for several years, especially in the last two years when several large-scale armed conflicts have broken out...

In such a sensitive period of war between the two countries, a person who has lived in the enemy country and has appeared in the commander's house... this is more than enough to make people think more, such as... a spy.

After Kang Chen finished speaking, both Hua Nianrui and the old man were surprised.

Hua Nianrui's first reaction was to turn her head to look at the old man, shaking her head with a sense of grievance: "No, how could it be? I have been living in the South and have never been there."

The old man remained silent, trusting his own son, and refusing to make groundless accusations.

Kang Chen's expression was indifferent, and in the cool air of early morning, he spoke words that frightened Hua Nianrui even more.

He said, "Moreover, lived there for 4 years..."