Chapter 251: Kang Chen, You're Jealous, Aren't You?_1

Ming Mei felt irritated, "Hey, why are you clinging so tightly to a kid, Kang Chen, you're going to make me think you're jealous."

Kang Chen looked up, his expression particularly serious, "What if I said I was?"

Ming Mei's heart thudded and clenched tightly, Kang Chen's words made her particularly flustered.

Jealous? Would Kang Chen be?

This kind of joke is really not funny.

She dared not glance about indiscriminately. After a good while, she calmed down and chuckled, "Then you're really lacking confidence. I already have such an excellent ex-husband like you, how could I still be interested in that silly kid? Don't worry! So far, the only man who can tempt me into bed is you."

Ming Mei felt Kang Chen's recent changes, but she truly didn't know whether these changes were good or bad for her.

She didn't want to face it, at least not so soon, so she could only try to joke her way out of it.

Kang Chen gave a cold chuckle in his mind, hmm, tempted right now?