Chapter 258: If Pregnant, Give Birth_1

Ming Mei bit her finger and thought for a while before finally making up her mind, "If it's really true, then I'll have the baby!"

I won't dwell on it anymore, I'll just let nature take its course.

As for Kang Chen and I... We'll just go with the flow too.

For now, I don't want to think too much.


Downstairs, Kang Chen found the old man, just in time to stop him from calling a doctor.

Kang Chen said, "Father, Ming Mei just had a bad stomach, don't... think too much."

The old man still didn't believe it: "But she doesn't seem to be ill, she clearly she might be pregnant, right?"

Kang Chen sighed, "Father, I, too, hope what you said is true, but... it's really not. She just had a gastrointestinal problem, but don't worry, this will eventually become true."

The old man looked disappointed, "Why isn't it true then?"