Chapter 233 Love, Farewell (5)_1

Nangong Ze shuddered again.

Song Enyan's sweet smile and her jelly-like soft and sweet lips were close at hand, causing Nangong Ze to be somewhat entranced and actually forgetting to leave.

Her shallow breathing, faint but present, grazed across his face, making his heart flutter as though teased by countless feathers.

Thinking about the night he lost control...

Thinking about their once close intimacy...

Thinking about her beauty...

His breath suddenly weighed heavily.

He knew that he could never resist her. So, to prevent himself from having the opportunity to sin against her, he had been avoiding seeing her as much as possible during this time.

But tonight, those two kisses from her, void of any romantic emotion, nearly killed him.

His self-restraint was on the verge of collapse.
