Chapter 247: Framing Disaster (3)_1

"I saw it clear as day, you tried to murder Chi Yu! It's you the thief yelling 'stop thief', you senile old hag, are you out of your mind, how ludicrous!!" Zhao Meiru was full of fury, distorting right and wrong.

The Elder Queen was so infuriated by her that her whole body was shaking and she nearly fainted!

At this moment, several doctors and nurses rushed in. Seeing Chi Yu's condition, their faces changed drastically.

By this time, they had no capacity to care about who was trying to harm Chi Yu.

The hospital room was in complete chaos!

The doctor urgently wheeled Chi Yu out of the hospital room, into the operating room for resuscitation!


Outside the operating room.

The argument still continued unabated.

"It was you, you are the one who wanted to kill her! Why else would you be in the hospital room?!" Zhao Meiru was steadfast, determined to pin the blame on the Elder Queen.

This time, if Chi Yu died, she would definitely take the blame!