Chapter 333 I miss you so much......_1

However, she had only taken a few steps when her legs were suddenly grabbed. She looked back and let out a terrified scream.

The man gripping her legs was covered in blood, his eyes bulging and staring fixedly at her, painted red with blood. The sight was utterly terrifying.

Chi Xingye made several attempts to free herself from his grip, but all her attempts were in vain.

Trembling, she pointed a gun at him, "Let go now, or I'll shoot!"

The fleeing kidnappers didn't get far before their leader suddenly halted.

In a stern voice he roared, "Stop running, come back!"

Damn it!

They were fooled by a woman's acting, how embarrassing!

"Boss, that... that... that woman is a demon!"

"Fools! Haven't you ever heard of colored contact lenses?!" The leader kicked the speaker, and then commanded, "Hurry up and follow me inside!"

He was going to take her life now!

Chi Xingye had just reached the front door when she took in the scene outside. She took a step back, shocked.