Chapter 2 Let's Break Up_2

Xu Siyu gritted her teeth, "I will tell my father and mother about this. Xu Siyan is too outrageous, if she's not stopped now, who knows what she'll do in the future. Thank you, if it wasn't for you, I still wouldn't know about this."

"It's nothing, after all, we're good sisters!"

After hanging up the call, Xu Siyu took three deep breaths, preparing to continue her bike ride, when she suddenly noticed the takeaway food she was holding had disappeared from her hands. A shiver went through her heart and looking ahead, she saw three tall and lean men standing three meters away.

Pale skin, high noses, big eyes, from their appearances, she estimated they were probably from Europe or America, and the man standing in the middle with golden hair and blue eyes was really fuckingly handsome.

Xu Siyu's eyes shifted from the man with the blonde hair's rigid face to his chest. At this moment, there was a large irregular patch of brown-red liquid on his chest. Right in front of his toes was a takeaway bag that had been smashed to smithereens.

Xu Siyu was instantly dumbfounded, standing in place contemplating whether she should just jump on her ten yuan bike and make a speedy escape.

The scene was completely silent, you could say it had reached the extreme of awkwardness.

The man with the long red hair standing next to the blonde-haired man seemed to be reveling in the misfortune, and in spite of trying hard to keep a straight face, he couldn't help but burst out laughing uncontrollably.

How could he not find this amusing?

Normally around this time of the day, they would be resting in a luxurious five-star hotel. However, their boss, for god knows what reason, had insisted on taking a walk outside.

Well, instead of a walk, it turned into a two-hour stroll.


Even a two-hour walk in winter would have been unbearable, let alone under the midday summer sun, for them to wander around without sun protection for two hours was both exhausting and scorching hot.

They wanted to go back, but couldn't.

At this moment, their boss was hit by takeout food, Roy wondered if it was God seeing his pitiful state and punishing their boss on his behalf.

"...." Stooping over, Diers stiffly examined the sauce on his chest, the cheap seasoning had a sickening smell that made him want to puke, his face turned even darker than before.

For the first time ever, someone had the audacity to throw food at him instead of bullets.

This damn woman!

Xu Siyu actually wanted to flee, but seeing the man was a foreigner, in order not to give people a bad impression of the Chinese, she braced herself and apologised, "I'm sorry, I was too excited just now and didn't notice what was in my hand, I'm really sorry! May I help you clean up?"

Diers swatted away the tissues Xu Siyu took out from her pocket, intending to wipe his shirt.

"Get lost!" Diers's face had frozen into a layer of ice, his expression full of disgust and hate.

The tremendous force sent Xu Siyu stumbling back a couple of steps, she nearly fell to the ground.

Xu Siyu, "...."

It was indeed her fault for accidentally throwing food at him, but he was a man! Didn't foreigners always boast of their high manners and discipline? This grown man didn't have to be so petty! Was it necessary to be so angry over such a small matter? He nearly pushed her down!

"Are you alright?!" Roy couldn't help but show concern.

Oh boy, the boss really doesn't lend a gentle hand to ladies, does he!

To treat a young girl this way, he couldn't just stand by and watch. If he hadn't known about their boss's affairs, he would have thought that their handsome boss was interested in men.

"I'm okay," Xu Siyu shook her head through gritted teeth.

Roy explained, "Our boss doesn't like being touched by other people."

"Damn! He can't even stand being touched? Is he infected with AIDS?" Xu Siyu was that kind of person, if you're good to her, she'll be good to you. But if you aren't nice to her, she definitely won't go out of her way to be kind to you.

It was her fault for carelessly throwing food and dirtying the man's clothes - she admitted her mistake, but was he really necessitated to be that mad?

Did he have to behave so childishly?? His behavior didn't fit his handsome looks.

Seeing this guy picking on Xu Siyu, she immediately fought back.

"Pfft...." Unable to suppress his laughter, Roy burst out, only to be met with Diers's lethal glare as he promptly shut his mouth.

"...." Balk gave him a look that read, "Have you lost your mind??"

Roy shrugged, "...."

He was indeed not very smart.

If he had upset the boss, he guessed that his future would be filled with all kinds of trouble.

"Say that one more time!!!" Diers, his face tinged blue with rage, stared at Xu Siyu as he pronounced each word clearly.

"I said you might have got AIDS, you know, AIDS! Why don't you let anyone..." Halfway through her sentence, Xu Siyu abruptly saw the "LSA" logo on the black crystal button on Diers's chest, swallowing her words in shock. She stared, aghast, at Diers's icy face, then at his clothes again.

She... wasn't dreaming, was she?!?!

LSA was a top international brand, all of its products were specially designed for the elite. A single article of clothing was so expensive, even a pair of LSA socks might cost tens of thousands, it was enough for a girl like Xu Siyu, who was so poor she was practically falling to pieces, to work strenuously for a year.

And this man employed a LSA shirt!

Nebulous about the style and design of the shirt, a common shirt of LSA would sell from the hundreds of thousands. She just so happened to have thrown her takeout onto his clothes...