Chapter 67: Do Something Else? _1

Even if Yuanya refused, Fei Zi would not have truly allowed her to get out of the car.

After struggling the entire journey, she eventually ended up before Lan Xiu.

Upon seeing Yuanya, Lan Xiu was not entirely pleased.

The way she was dressed hid her figure completely, far from the alluring sight he had beheld the day before.

He studied Yuanya, taking a puff of his cigarette.

He thought that if the first time he saw her she was dressed as she was yesterday, he would have afforded her more points for her physique.

At least he wouldn't have referred to her as a bean sprout.

His handsome eyes narrowed slightly, falling on Yuanya's chest, recalling the sight from before, he couldn't help but think.

Hmm, quite substantial...

He blew out a smoke ring, feeling like he had missed the point yesterday, when he should have focused on getting a handful of her chest instead of just touching her back and waist.