Chapter 76: Dirty Deal_1

Yuanya had a bitter smile in her heart, what does she mean by whether she uses it or not is her business...

Once she accepts this card, she's really sold herself.

She shook her head, saying, "I know this money means nothing to you, but I can't and don't want to accept it."

After a pause, she affirmed with a decisive tone, "I don't want this kind of money."

Such action would make her feel as if she didn't even have a shred of dignity left.

Yang Yuhuan instinctively looked at their boss's expression, only to find Bei Yunhuan unusually calm, which startled him.

The atmosphere wasn't disrupted during the breakfast, but it felt strangely muted.

Yang Yuhuan was on edge, continuously scanning each side, afraid someone would lose their temper.

However, both of them remained calm throughout the breakfast, showing no signs of creating a scene.

What an odd pair indeed!