Chapter 78: The Winner Takes One Million! _1

Before Xu Zhenguo arrived, all the flowers had been completely divided up.

After most of the class lecture was done, he assigned a classwork.

The students had to sketch a human figure on the spot. They could draw either him or a classmate.

Most students chose to draw Xu Zhenguo. He was older, so his skin texture and features were more pronounced. The addition of glasses and goatee made him fairly easy to depict, even for those with poorer drawing skills.

A minority chose to draw their classmates, and Yuanya was one of them.

She had a keen eye for observation, capturing the facial features of the student she was drawing with just a few strokes.

Xu Zhenguo passed by her and after a quick glance, showed a look of admiration.

Seeing this, Li Jia was so bitter, she almost broke her teeth from clenching too hard!

Especially seeing the recognition and approval Yuanya received from the classmates, it made her feel even more uncomfortable.