Chapter 88: Shameless!_1

The only one who would deliberately jab at her was Wei Yurou.

As for the disdain and contemptuous glances...

She slightly lowered her gaze and focused on the tea in front of her as if those looks didn't exist.

Bei Yunhuan, while immersed in a conversation, suddenly realized that Lan Xiu had disappeared.

After glancing in Yuanya's direction and seeing that she was still well and comfortably sitting next to Murong Wei, he relaxed.

But halfway to the restroom, he saw Lan Xiu coming out already, with a lipstick mark on his face.

As he walked, he was angrily muttering to himself, "What makes you think you have the right to kiss my face?"

Indeed, closely following Lan Xiu out of the restroom was a woman who was scantily clad.

"You better wipe that off before going back out."

Even though Bei Yunhuan knew that Xiu wouldn't randomly fool around with women and it was most likely the woman who had followed him, he still kindly pointed towards the side of his face marked with lipstick.