Chapter 96 This little girl, she's not simple!_1

It seemed that there was nothing he wanted and couldn't get.

In his eyes, her bitter struggle was just a joke.

In the end, all she said was two words.

"Thank you."

The host, true to his professionalism, immediately saved the situation by tentatively asking, "What does Mr. Yunhuan think of the winning work for this year's gold award?"

In an instant, all eyes turned to him.

But he didn't show any expression on his face.

Just when the host thought that Bei Yunhuan wasn't going to respond, pondering over how to shift the topic,

He suddenly lifted the microphone in front of him slightly and said, "The painting is very good."

"..." Upon hearing these words, Yuanya only felt the irony.

After the award ceremony finally finished, she was notified that all the award winners were to attend a dinner party that evening.

Yuanya wanted to reject the invite, but the other party excitedly said, "Mr. Yunhuan is also going! Wow, how exciting!"