Chapter 114 Get Out! Get Out!_1

Thinking back to the days when he and Yuanya were together, she was always shy; her face would always turn red whenever she spoke to him.

Unexpectedly, these memories stirred something in him. His emotions started to run rampant!

He reached out and held Yuanya, who was unable to resist, pulling her into his arms, he was eager to kiss her lips.

"Ahh! Get away!"

Yuanya tried to dodge him, disgusted.

Lu Jie seized the opportunity and instead kissed her cheek. Then, he continued kissing her, moving from her cheek down to her neck.

"Ya Ya, you're mine, mine!" he murmured to himself.

Yuanya felt nauseous to the point of retching. She was so startled when he suddenly ripped her shirt open that she let out a yelp!

"Ya Ya, calm down, don't shout," Lu Jie said, breathing heavily as he covered her mouth with his hand.

Then, with his other hand, he started to undress her!

"Mmm... Mmm..."

Yuanya desperately tried to resist, but how could she match the strength of a grown man!