Chapter 131: I Was Distracted Just Now_1

Bei Yunhuan didn't want to delve into this issue any further, seeing her desire to return home, he agreed.

What really saddened Yuanya was the realization that the feeling of returning home wasn't as good as she'd imagined.

Her father had switched to a more relaxed job and wasn't working overtime anymore, yet the frown on his brows only deepened.

Whenever he looked at her, it seemed like he always had something to say.

Her mother and Yuanmiao's attitudes were noticeably overly accommodating.

As for Yuan Mo, he had become considerably silent.

This was not how she remembered her home...

The next day at school, Xiaobai got a signed photo of Huangfu Jin. She was so excited that she couldn't stop screaming, almost wanting to worship Yuanya like a deity.

Seeing her, Yuanya thought it would be better to keep the true nature of Huangfu Jin a secret.

She absolutely couldn't let Xiaobai know the truth. It would be too disillusioning!