Chapter 129 Did She Die?_1

In the following time, she and Bei Yunhuan both stayed awake, keeping their eyes open until dawn.

Not long after dawn, Yang Yuhuan and Yong Mo knocked on the door, reporting to him about the situation of the battle.

Bei Yunhuan went to the window, opened it, and looked down, all he saw was a person lying unconscious, face upwards towards the sky.

Interestingly, this person was someone he had met before.

A subordinate of Xiu...

His eyebrows instantly furrowed, he said to Yang Yuhuan and Yong Mo, "The two of you protect her, I am going to find Xiu."

Fearing to scare the timid woman, he ordered, "Clean up the thing outside the window and take the person to the hospital."

At this time, Lan Xiu was already ridiculously drunk, having no sense of what night it was.

When Bei Yunhuan pushed the door open, he was stunned for a moment, and directly asked, "Is she dead?"

"What are you trying to do?"

Hearing his undisguised question, Bei Yunhuan's tone also chilled.