Chapter 152: She Must Have Seduced Brother Xiu_1

Duan Jingwen toyed with his cellphone. Upon hearing from his underling that Bei Yunhuan had sent someone away on the spot, the corners of his mouth deepened with amusement. A trace of playfulness spread across his gentle face.

He idly drummed his fingers on the table, and after a moment, he put on his usual smiley demeanor again.

With a wave of his hand, he said, "I got it, you can go now."


Compared to Duan Jingwen's amusement, Murong Wei's feelings were more complicated than what words could describe upon receiving the news.

She sat there, lips tight, not uttering a word.

Guan Zhenzhen, who had just been released, initially felt overjoyed at the news of Yuanya being dispatched.

All thanks to her, she had almost lost her life!

Now, the glee apparent on her face couldn't be suppressed, she was on the verge of bursting into laughter.

But as soon as she turned around and saw the tight-lipped, silent Murong Wei, her expression instantly switched to one of reproach.