Chapter 162: Can't I afford to support her? _1

Because they had stayed up all night, their eyes were all full of red threads.

At this time, Fei Zi suddenly remembered something and sprang up.

"What's wrong?" Ah Dong, on the other side, was startled by him.

Fei Zi said, "Damn it, there's still one at home!"

There's still one what?

Still one chick!

Yuanya, who the boss had regained from his own brother, is still staying in the guest room!

And that Qu Ruqing, was staying right next door to Yuanya!

Oh, heavens! It's truly exciting...

Fei Zi had gone full Spartan!

Of course, he did not know about Lan Xiu's kind and philanthropic mindset, considering this ancestor was typically used to being a jerk.

"What's going on, exactly?"

Ah Dong was confused, squatting down with him.

Fei Zi pushed him aside, stood up in a flash, and disdainfully looked at his brother's intellect.

"With a brain like yours, you wouldn't understand even if I told you!"