Chapter 166: Encourage Her to Be Picky_1

The rhythm of his chest rising and falling was very rhythmic, beat after beat.

Under such circumstances, Yuanya couldn't focus on the menu in front of her at all.

Lan Xiu seemed completely oblivious to her feelings, thoroughly enjoying this position.

"Why aren't you ordering? Don't you like anything?"

Yuanya felt his lips almost touch her earlobe when he spoke, and she couldn't help but flinch, fearing he would get angry.

She quickly replied, "I can eat anything. I'm not picky."

Because she didn't know what he liked, and what if she ordered something he didn't like...

Lan Xiu did not like her answer at all.

His woman, why is she so easy to take care of?

He turned his head and gently bit her soft little earlobe, clearly feeling her body tremble slightly.

"Be picky. You can be as picky as you want. If you don't like something, have them prepare it again."

Yuanya truly could not understand Lan Xiu's way of thinking.

Uh, was he encouraging her to be picky?