Chapter 176: This Indicates That You're Trying To Please Me_1

Yuanya looked at her reflection in the mirror, feeling completely estranged.

Even stranger than the times she'd dressed up for Bei Yunhuan.

If her features weren't still familiar, she would have thought a stranger was standing in the mirror.

However, upon noticing the hickey and bite marks on her neck and shoulders, all the composure she had been trying hard to gather evaporated into thin air!

Although the dress only exposed one shoulder, all those things that shouldn't be seen were all uncovered!

Yuanya subconsciously tugged at her dress, trying to cover her shoulder and neck.

Unfortunately, the fitted cut of the dress was simply unable to cover anything!

Lan Xiu noticed her movements and tapped her hip with his hand.

"Don't move around."

He knew she felt uncomfortable with her body's marks being potentially seen by others.

He stepped forward to smooth the crease on her shoulder and chest, incidentally fondling her chest in the process.