Chapter 181: You play a couple of rounds for me_1

Yuanya glanced at the chips, which varied in size but were extremely well-crafted.

After she made out the denominations on them, she was at a loss for what to feel.

The smallest denomination was astonishingly a hundred thousand!

The majority of chips, however, were worth a million each.

In front of Lan Xiu, Yuanya saw a stack of chips worth ten million!

The world of the wealthy––she would never quite understand in this lifetime...

The game Lan Xiu and his peers were playing was a type of poker, which wasn't hard to grasp.

After watching a couple of rounds, she soon got the hang of it.

Albeit the rules were simple, playing the game was not as straightforward as it seemed.

The simpler the game, the more it tested the players.

Gambling in poker was less about wagering and more akin to the strategic interplay between players.

The outcome of a round relied not only on gaming skills and luck.

It also depended on who had a cooler head, a sharper mind.