Chapter 187 Beg Me If You Want to Attend Class_1

It is said that when feline animals show you their belly, it signifies trust.

Therefore, Caesar wouldn't bite her... right?

Yuanya was having an inner battle.

So, when Lan Xiu pushed the door open, this is the scene he came upon.

The entire lovely face of Yuanya was buried in the belly of his son, rubbing back and forth, seemingly enjoying the soft sensation.

Only when she heard the door open, did Yuanya raise her head.

Upon seeing that it was Lan Xiu who came in, she instantly felt embarrassed.

Caesar turned around and roared at him, indicating his unwelcome.

Lan Xiu was pleased to see his son getting along well with a woman.

However, he still reminded her, "Caesar is my son."

Yuanya didn't quite understand, and looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Did he mean for her to stop doing as she was?

Lan Xiu continued, "So, he is a male leopard."

Yuanya was filled with questions. And then?

"Don't put your face next to his belly anymore, heard me?"