Chapter 191 Where Have You Been These Days_1

Without any other choice, Yuanya said, "Excuse me, I need to get some things for my class from the professor."

Hearing this, the crowd around her finally parted, allowing her to leave.

Yuanya had not gone far when she began hearing discussions about her echo behind her.

She could only hurry her steps and leave the painting studio.

When Xu Zhenguo wasn't teaching, he stayed in his personal painting studio.

When Yuanya knocked and entered, he was examining some painting pigments. He looked up to see her and was momentarily stunned.

"Yuanya?" He called uncertainly.

"Yes, it's me, Professor Xu, I came to get my things."

Xu Zhenguo asked her to wait a moment, then put down the pigment bottles in his hands.

Then he turned around and took out Yuanya's canvas bag from the cabinet behind him, and handed it to her.

After grabbing her bag, Yuanya prepared to bid farewell and head back to the student studio.