Chapter 198 How does she still have the face to ask! _1

As soon as Father Yuan stepped out of his room, he heard her pelt rhetorical at Yuanya. His brow instantly furrowed.

"Humph, none of your business!"

Yuanmiao snorted coldly. Who does she think she is to judge me? As if she's worth my respect.

As for Yuan Mo, the moment he returned home from school, he witnessed Yuanmiao's tantrum again right away.

He could pretty much guess what was happening, so he didn't hesitate to expose her.

"I bet you were trying to borrow money from our eldest sister again. Now that she's refused, you're lashing out in a fit, aren't you?"

"Shut up!"

Yuanmiao's face turned from pale to crimson. This brat spoke as if he had seen everything with his own eyes!

It made her feel a bit guilty.

There had been so many people at the school gate at the time, she really wasn't sure whether Yuan Mo was there or not.

Yuanya, seeing that they were about to start arguing and the conversation had veered away from her original intention, interrupted them.