Chapter 201: Where Will You Run Now_1

His actions delighted the little boy in Lan Xiu, eliciting a low, sexy laughter that momentarily dazed Yuanya.

Of course, she had no idea how cute her startled expression was, how irresistibly charming...

He carried her from the living room to the swimming pool, and along the way, their clothes were strewn on the floor.

Despite this candor, Yuanya felt somewhat uneasy.

Fortunately, it was an indoor pool, devoid of any onlookers.

After they arrived at the pool, Yuanya, like a small mudskipper, slipped away from him unnoticed.

She dived into the water, submerging her body below its surface, while her round, innocent eyes peeked out, appearing both guiltless and pitiable.

The young lady's reactions were undoubtedly adorable, however, a hungry wolf would always opt for meat.

Lan Xiu stood ashore, arms folded leisurely, delighting in her timid attempts to evade him, but finding nowhere to escape.

"Why are you running? Today, I'm going to teach you how to swim,"