Chapter 213: Rebirth (3)_1

She couldn't accept it, nor did she want to receive any money-related charity from Lan Xiu!

"You must take what I give, there is no room for refusal."

Lan Xiu dominantly picked up the bracelet and slipped it directly onto her wrist.

Then came the necklace, the ring, the earrings...

With the added embellishment of valuable jewelry, Yuanya, who already had a queen's stature, gained even more nobility in her demeanor.

However, that's if she hadn't shown this frightened and uneasy expression.

"Do not take it off, or I will make you regret it."

The last few words from Lan Xiu were especially ambiguous, curtailing any protests she might have had.

Yuanya could only resign to her fate, thinking she could return it when she gets back.

She cautiously stepped along in her high heels, moving slowly but with an extremely upright posture.

Lan Xiu didn't rush her either, matching her snail's pace, and strolling leisurely along.