Chapter 237 You Say You Like Me_1

Even running needed a good posture, chasing people like walking a fashion show, truly absurd.

Caesar heard his snicker, sharply turned around, and delivered a hefty tail lash!

The force showed no restraint, leaving Fei Zi wailing and running away!

Lan Xiu washed Yuanya clean, placed her on the soft bed and gently helped her off her bathrobe.

When he saw the mark he had left on her collarbone.

He uncontrollably bent his head and deepened the mark that was his own.

Yuanya felt as if she had been compressed by a big stone, and as if something was constantly moving on her skin.

She felt uncomfortable and whimpered. Her eyelids were as if glued shut and despite her efforts, she couldn't open them.

Lan Xiu softly kissed her lips, speaking through careful strokes.

He had never been so gentle, as if he was playing a treasure hunt, softly yet passionately exploring her every sensitive spot.

Though Yuanya was not fully conscious, her body truthfully responded to him.