Chapter 240 Let's Talk_1

Every corner seemed to ooze a bitterly cold chill.

"Young Master Lan, the master is busy and can't get away at the moment." The housekeeper was trying his best to be respectful, fearful of making the slightest mistake.

Yuanya breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this; she really didn't want to have any further involvement with that man.

Lan Xiu plopped himself onto the sofa. "This has nothing to do with him. As for that Yuanmiao, go call her here."

The housekeeper glanced at Yuanya with a complicated look then pretended to be calm and pointed to a maid nearby.

"Miss Yuanmiao is in the guest room. Miss Yuan, please follow her. She'll guide you."

What a tricky situation the master has created...

Shaking off Young Master Lan is even more difficult than walking on the moon!

Yuanya looked at the woman leading the way, who was the tallest maid and the one she had interacted with the most.