Chapter 249 Taking Her Home_1

Her voice was as light as a feather passing by, making Lan Xiu's heart flutter.

This woman, she was really becoming more capable by the day. Was she finding ways to boss him around now?

When dealing with Lan, one should resort to the tricks of dealing with children. They never failed.

And this Yuanya, compared to her usual obedience, stirred him even more.

So much so, that he couldn't bring himself to refuse her.

"I'll give you an hour, I'll wait in the car."

Lan Xiu felt that he was becoming more magnanimous by the day.

He arrogantly picked up a magazine again, flicking through it while holding Yuanya's little hand tighter.

Forcing himself to enjoy her rare initiative.

Yuanya, who had achieved her goal, found it difficult to withdraw her hand and had to maintain this posture.

She had initially planned to stay home for the night, but it seemed impossible now.