Chapter 253 Put me down!_1

Suddenly, the frosty look in his eyes slowly melted away.

Finally turning into a calm pool of spring water.

If Yuanya was torturing herself just to please him, he would have definitely given her a piece of his mind.

But now it turned out that she was enduring out of concern for him.

What else could he say?

His heart has already turned to mush!

Fei Zi, who had been silently observing from the side, breathed a sigh of relief. Miss Yuan is simply too clever!

He never expected that the boss would actually get angry.

In the mind of any normal person, any man would be moved beyond words by such actions!

Yet, their boss was not the typical kind; not only was he unmoved but he got angry instead!

His final conclusion was that men have those few days every month…

"Does it hurt a lot?" Lan Xiu raised his hand to gently massage her aching shoulder.

Yuanya couldn't help but grumble in her heart, isn't that obvious?

"It's just a bit numb."