Chapter 274: Duan Jingwen's Invitation_1

In the next few days, she got along fairly well with Lan Xiu. Occasionally, she would also go home to keep her father and younger brother company. Her life was very peaceful.

Until one day, she received a call from Duan Jingwen, inviting her for lunch.

Yuanya couldn't help feeling a headache; he had not forgotten about it even after all this time.

She had already agreed before, and it wasn't right to refuse now.

Forget it, the sooner this ends the better!

She asked for the address and time, and let Fei Zi take her to the destination, not worrying that he would see Duan Jingwen.

It's just a meal, there's no need to keep things hidden.

Hearing that she was just having a meal with a friend, Fei Zi didn't ask any further. He thought it was enough for him to be with her, so he didn't bring anyone else along.

After Yuanya got out of the car, he realized that something was wrong.

There were at least a dozen bodyguards scattered around the restaurant.