Chapter 288 Control Your Mouth_1

"Yuanya, she's such a restless woman!"

"Twenty." Lan Xiu put out his cigarette, signaling her to continue.

Guan Zhenzhen shuddered, sliding off the sofa and squatting on the floor. Her tears flowed like a tidal wave, her sobbing became even more violent.

"Brother Xiu..."


Now, Guan Zhenzhen didn't dare say another word.

"If you don't take action, I'll have someone assist you."

Lan Xiu smirked, leaning slightly forward, his tone particularly gentle, gentle like a devil.

Guan Zhenzhen's face had lost all color, her body intermittently shaking, unable to utter a complete sentence.

The anger filling her heart seemed to want to set her aflame!

She gritted her teeth, silently invoking Yuanya's name in her mind. Never before had anyone made her desire for destruction so passionate!

Lan Xiu called Ah Dong over with instructions to teach her a lesson.