Chapter 290: Have You Fallen in Love With Her?_1

Neither individual employed any so-called battle techniques, it seemed more as if they were venting, fists and feet colliding back and forth!

Fighting until they were bruised, fighting until their veins bulged out!

With the crunching sound of a shattered porcelain, the fight descended into chaos.

Bei Yunhuan's stature was completely undone, his clothes a disordered mess, leaning heavily against a wall, panting intensely.

Lan Xiu was a man who never had any understanding of what being a gentleman meant, but he sure knew how to fight with panache.

The face of his opponent was untouched, still handsome, all the injuries were tucked away under clothing, unseen.

Mr. Yunhuan, revered by all, was probably experiencing for the first time in his life, what it meant to be humiliated.

"I've been wanting to teach you a lesson for a long time."

Lan Xiu's voice was chilling, standing opposite him, looking down on him, with an unwavering gaze.