Chapter 294: The Hidden Viper (2)_1

The shipping line was highly profitable and extremely important, as it facilitated trade with six different countries.

Now that it's destroyed, it's more than just a loss of a money-making route.

Even more serious is the fact that goods are still in the port and the orders can't be fulfilled.

Just the customer compensation alone is an astounding astronomical amount!

For the Duan Family, this is a devastating blow.

Influence, reputation, and face, all of them would receive a heavy slump!

"What a pity..." Duan Jingwen poured a cup of tea, his tone carrying a hint of regret.

He Xi thought he was referring to the destroyed port line and nodded, plus they had lost both men and fortune.

Duan Jingwen leisurely sipped his tea, "The fireworks worth billions, and I just missed it."

He Xi was taken aback, but he dared not show any reaction on his face.

"Young Master, should we notify the old master?"