They were just some subtle movements that Gu Shaocheng noticed, but chose to ignore. He paused to rest and regain his breath, and her once slow-closing eyes sprang open in an instant.
At that moment, her entire body radiated tension. Her arms, which had been wound tightly around him, held on even tighter. Such actions reflected her fear of being let go, a reflection of her lack of a sense of security.
A pang of pain surged in Gu Shaocheng's heart. He didn't know what to do.
"Let go, I can't breathe."
The lady in his arms protested, clinging tighter and staying silent, burying her head deeply into his chest.
Such dependence was unprecedented.
Despite her disobedience and direct conflict with him, Gu Shaocheng incredibly welcomed it. A tide of comfort overwhelmed his troubled, cold heart.
Having not seen her for merely a few days, she had lost so much weight. He wondered how she took care of herself!