Creating a Family

"That's good, then. The union of two capable individuals is a boon for our Croft family. I look forward to what you will accomplish in the future."

Then, with a flick, the Patriarch silently disappeared. Leaving the newly engaged pair alone in the office.

An awkward silence hung in the air, the two individuals who were left alone not knowing what had really just happened.

The first one to speak up was Wayne Croft, his experience as the director of the mining subsidiary and life as a child of the Croft family helping him stabilize his emotions faster than Jane, who came from a more ordinary background.

"I apologize for my uncle's actions. He is someone with an eye for talents, and as the head of the Croft family, when he sees someone he wants in the family, he would do almost anything to get them."

Jane was taken aback by the sudden apology from the Director. She was a survivor from among the very few who were first taken captive by the Jurians. Even after she was freed, she was, at most, in control of a single province's mining operations. There was nothing that could have prepared her for any of the events of today. 

Billions of Eden Federation dollars in commission. Meeting the head of the Croft Family, a family among the elite of the elite throughout an entire quadrant of the galaxy. Being admitted as an honorary member of the Croft family and subsequently being married to a person who, on a normal basis, she wouldn't be able to meet.

As much as one would like to always be in control of their own life, especially someone like Jane who had been a slave for over half of her life, there is not much room for negotiation when a nearly 5,000 year old monster like the Croft Patriarch is the one that tells you what to do.

Still, even if this goes beyond her control, Jane could recognize the possibilities that had just opened up for her.

"There is nothing for the director to apologize for. I only hope that I can live up to the Patriarch's expectations and assist you as a candidate for the seat of patriarch in the future."

Jane knew that even if the Director were not able to reach the seat of Patriarch in the far future, the position he would hold within the Croft family would not be small. 

Besides, life for the humans of the Eden Federation was not nearly as short as the humans of Old Earth before the arrival of the Jurian Empire. The position she held as the manager for a mining province, as well as the commissions that she had earned over the years, has long allowed her to transition into A-Grade Enhancers.

Even while she was on C-Grade Enhancers she would have only looked to be in her late-30s to her early-40s, but now that she upgraded to the A-Grade, she looked just as young as she did when she lived on Old Earth. 

Her youthful looks, along with her long lifespan, will allow for plenty of time with Wayne Croft. Though they may not be anything more than strangers at this current point of time, even if it takes hundreds of years, there will be plenty of time to cultivate feelings for each other.

"At the very least, I appreciate your understanding. For now, it would be best if you were to report back to the province that you manage. Once things here are completely arranged, I will have someone sent to bring you back. I look forward to working with you in the future."

With that, the director sat back in his chair. Jane, recognizing that it was time for her to leave, gave a deep bow before turning and heading for the office door.

It wasn't until she had left and the door behind her had completely shut that Wayne Croft let out a hefty sigh.

"Just what are you planning, uncle?" His own parents, or Alexander Croft's younger sister, had been killed during one of the many skirmishes against the species of bugs that rule over one of the other quadrants of the galaxy. Not being more than 15 years old at the time, Alexander had taken him in as his own.

In some ways, Wayne could tell that Alexander had simply wanted to recruit the talented Jane into the Croft family. But on the other hand, there was this sneaking suspicion that Alexander was going through all this effort simply to make sure that Wayne had a partner in life. Using his position as a surrogate father to match his nephew with someone.

'Though I suppose if that were the case uncle could have chosen someone much worse.' It was a fleeting thought, but it was also the start of what would become a loving relationship between two individuals.


It has been nearly 200 years since Jane and Wayne met for the first time, and 15 years since the two had been married.

The pair had been significantly lucky, as despite the limitations that arise through taking higher Grade Enhancers, and despite Wayne having already entered the first stage of his Unique Enhancement, the two had already had a child.

This was no small feat. For those with S-Grade Enhancements, it was not rare for partners to spend hundreds of years trying for a child. And for those within the Unique Enhancement category, even a thousand years may not be enough.

To have been intimate for only 50 years, married for only 15, and still be able to conceive was just short of a miracle.

Of course, not everything was perfect for this couple. It had only been a year since the birth of the child they named August, yet Wayne Croft was sent into the far reaches of the Eden Federation to hold the frontlines.

This was not an uncommon occurrence for big families like the Crofts, as every century the families would have to volunteer a certain number of individuals to go fight for the Federation. Those sent would, however, have to be above a certain level of power, but 100 years really isn't too much when looking at their lifespans.

This is not the case for Wayne as, no matter how he looked at it, 100 years was the entirety of his only son's childhood.

The only light that he could see was that the wealth of the Croft family allowed for young August to receive an S-Grade Enhancer as soon as possible. The intelligence boost provided by such an Enhancer, while not enough to allow for complete conversation, would enable Wayne to hear his child's first words, as well as allow for August to be able to recognize the face of Wayne as his father.

In the end, Wayne would only be a distant memory for the growing August.